Thursday, December 16, 2004

My very first blog

Yeah, my first blog attempt ever!

So, my very first attempt to keep a virtual diary. I dare questioning my own consistency concerning this thing. For that matter, I wonder if my English grammar and vocabulary will suffice. I really don’t think so, since English isn’t my native tongue. It would be a lot easier if I would do this in Dutch, for that is my first language and a lot of people (the Dutch) would appreciate it. It is much easier to read and write in your own language, I think. But, thank God for dictionaries. In my opinion it wouldn't be fair if only Dutch people could read this, so you all just have to do with my English, and the Dutch should be able to read English. Are we not known for our language skills (ok, don't answer that one).


Chuck said...

You have already displayed more proficiency in the English language than 90% of the blogosphere. Congratulations.

Aurianne said...

Well thanks Jaboobie!! I do my best :-)