Tuesday, January 17, 2006

The Terminator does it again

Last night the 76 year old Clarence Ray Allen has been put to death, a day after his 76 birthday. Allan had heart problems, was in a wheelchair, blind and almost entirely deaf. He was convicted as principal for three murders in 1982. So, our good ol’ terminator Arnold, again, didn’t give clemency. Allan is the 2nd oldest American to been put to death and the fourth person who didn’t get clemency from Arnold. By doing so, Arnold ignored a request made by the human rights organisation ‘Raad van Europa’ to give clemency to such an old man.
So, as I said, I am against capital punishment. Let these guys rot in prison, with no hope of any escape from their own little private hell, in which they may not have any contact with the outside, family included, and without any luxury. Arnold should have given the man clemency, he should be very reluctant to deny clemency and with that give permission to execute someone. Though in theory and practice Arnold is not responsible for the man’s death, still his death comes down to his decision to deny clemency. I wonder how Arnold can live with his decisions. The lives of a lot of men are in his hands, and I don’t think it are very capable hands… Nonetheless, there are even less capable hands… Bush can decide over the lives of the entire country… America is doomed. I hope you all live to see the next elections ;-)

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