Thursday, December 22, 2005

Winter Solstice

It’s Winter Solstice, the longest night of the year. My little brother was born on the 21st of December thus that makes him a lucky person for he has the sun on his side, while she increases her influence. So we celebrated his 20th birthday tonight and though he didn’t get much presents, for it’s almost Christmas, we had a good time, learning to play/playing mah-jong :)
Anyhow, winter has finally begun and I for one can’t wait for it to set in. I want this winter to be a very cold one, so hell freezes over and I can skate on natural ice for a first time in I think nearly a decade. I love to skate, but it has been a very long time since I done it. The few times the ditches did freeze over, I didn’t think it sensible to go skating for it had only been freezing for a few days and the thaw had set in the day people went skating…
But I have hope for this winter. I also hope it will snow with Christmas. I am just a little romantic at heart. So I have hopes for this winter but if I must be realistic, which I normally am, I must admit it doesn’t seem very likely that my hopes will come true. It will probably rain with Christmas and it probably won’t freeze long or hard enough for me to go skating with a good feeling :( Damn global heating. Damn Bush for neglecting international treaties and thus contributing extra to global heating. Damn Bush in general. Ok, I’ll admit, I don’t like Bush all that much. Concerning Bush, I’ll leave it at that for now.
So, I have hopes for this Christmas. It seems that in the future though, I won’t have to hope anymore, for I remember that it has been said that, due to global heating if I remember correct, it’ll get colder in Europe in the future. This means that the winter will be winter again, the ditches will freeze over, I will be a happy camper skating and my romantic heart will rejoice and enjoy Christmas even more with a big mug of hot chocolate. Thank God for global heating… hey, you have to see the positive in the negative ;)
Enjoy winter (solstice) everyone.

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